Project Management Interview Questions – Set 09

What, according to you, is an important skill for a project manager to succeed? Well, if you are a project manager you might already be thinking that there can’t be one skill that is enough to be successful. And, you are right. Your answer could be leadership skills, communication skills, or time management skills. What … Read more

Project Management Interview Questions – Set 08

Being a project manager how will you gain your team agreement for results? Trust and agreement is a key factor that facilitates proper communication and coordination in a team. that brings ou the best outcome. To gain agreement from your team members you must: Keep your expectations clear from the very beginning Build achievable milestones … Read more

Project Management Interview Questions – Set 07

Are there any positive aspects of the risk identification process? The risk identification process may be able to come up with some opportunities too. What kinds of projects interest you the most? Why? The one word that you need to focus on for this pm interview question is ‘relevance’. Do your research about the company … Read more

Project Management Interview Questions – Set 06

Why do you want to work with this company? You need to go prepared for this interview question. If their working style suits yours, you can discuss it. If the job you are applying for is the next logical step for your current job, tell them that. Or, even something like you being attracted to … Read more

Project Management Interview Questions – Set 05

What is the plan baseline? These are the final version of all plans before the initiation of a project. It includes time schedule, quality plan, communication plan, and everything else. This acts as the reference to measure the project performance. How in the project time schedule represented most often? Activity scheduling network diagram is the … Read more

Project Management Interview Questions – Set 04

What qualities are required to be an effective project manager? This question is different from the one in which you are asked to name only one skill. Apart from technical skills, mention leadership skills, time management skills, decision-making skills, prioritization skills, risk management skills etc. The follow-up question can be about how a certain skill … Read more

Project Management Interview Questions – Set 03

Describe two areas in your current project, where there is a high level of uncertainty. How do you tackle these uncertainties? No project goes without a hitch, and people expect that. What your interviewer wants to see is how you handle anything that can result in a potential setback. An effective project manager should always … Read more

Project Management Interview Questions – Set 02

What is RAID as it related to project management? RAID stand for risks, assumptions, issues and dependencies. These are vital items that a PM should always be aware of. There are always risks about actions and a PM must take least risk actions. Unless assumptions about any estimates or actions are clear, these can go … Read more

Project Management Interview Questions – Set 01

How easily do you delegate responsibility? Easily delegating responsibility is an essential quality of any project manager. Be sure to discuss a relevant example that assures the interviewer that delegating responsibility comes naturally to you. Explain the team forming process? After the members are collected as a project team there is a turmoil before everything … Read more

Project Management Interview Questions

Project Management Interview Questions – Set 19 Project Management Interview Questions – Set 18 Project Management Interview Questions – Set 17 Project Management Interview Questions – Set 16 Project Management Interview Questions – Set 15 Project Management Interview Questions – Set 14 Project Management Interview Questions – Set 13 Project Management Interview Questions – Set … Read more