Web Services Interview Questions – Set 02

What tools are used to test web services? The tools used to test web services are: SoapUI tool for testing SOAP and RESTful web services Poster for firefox browser Postman extension for Chrome Which language does UDDI use? The UDDI uses the language known as WSDL (Web Service Description Language). Explain different HTTP methods supported by RESTful web … Read more

SQL Interview Questions – Set 02

What do you understand by case manipulation functions? Case manipulation functions are the functions which convert the data from the state in which it is already stored in the table to upper, lower or mixed case. Case manipulation function can be used in almost every part of the SQL statement. Case manipulation functions are mostly … Read more

Project Management Interview Questions – Set 02

What is RAID as it related to project management? RAID stand for risks, assumptions, issues and dependencies. These are vital items that a PM should always be aware of. There are always risks about actions and a PM must take least risk actions. Unless assumptions about any estimates or actions are clear, these can go … Read more

Servlet Java Interview Questions – Set 02

How can I set a cookie in JSP?- response. setHeader(”Set-Cookie”, “cookie string”); To give the response-object to a bean, write a method setResponse (HttpServletResponse response) – to the bean, and in jsp-file:<% bean. setResponse (response); %> What is JSP? JSP is a dynamic scripting capability for web pages that allows Java as well as a … Read more

PL/SQL Interview Questions – Set 02

Explain the Rollback statement? The Rollback statement is issued when the transaction ends. Following conditions are true for a Rollback statement: The work done in a transition is undone as if it was never issued. All locks acquired by transaction are released. Write a unique difference between a function and a stored procedure. A function … Read more

Flutter Interview Questions – Set 02

Why is the Android and iOS folder in the Flutter project? Android: This folder holds a complete Android project. It is used when you create the Flutter application for Android. When the Flutter code is compiled into the native code, it will get injected into this Android project, so that the result is a native Android … Read more

CodeIgniter Interview Questions – Set 02

How can you add or load a model in CodeIgniter? To load models in controller functions, use the following function: $this->load->model(‘ModelName’); If in case your model file is located in sub-directory of the model folder, then you have to mention the full path. For example, if your file location is application/controller/models/project/ModelName. Then, your file will … Read more

Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions – Set 02

List the key components of LSTM. Gates (forget, Memory, update, and Read) Tanh(x) (values between −1 and 1) Sigmoid(x) (values between 0 and 1) Why do we need Artificial Intelligence? The goal of Artificial intelligence is to create intelligent machines that can mimic human behavior. We need AI for today’s world to solve complex problems, … Read more

Phalcon Interview Questions – Set 02

Enlist the following services provided by Phalcon. Database Independence CRUD functionality Advanced finding capabilities Ability to relate models How can we increase CSRF timeout in Phalcon ? CSRF timeout is increased by increasing the token time because tokens default uses sessions. Enlist the methods of loader. Registering Namespaces Registering Directories Registering Classes Registering Files What … Read more

JDBC Java Interview Questions – Set 02

What are stored procedures? How is it useful A stored procedure is a set of statements/commands which reside in the database. The stored procedure is pre-compiled and saves the database the effort of parsing and compiling sql statements every time a query is run. Each database has its own stored procedure language, usually a variant … Read more