Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions – Set 24

Mention Some Popular Domains of AI.

The most popular domains in AI are:

  • Machine Learning
  • Neural Networks
  • Robotics
  • Expert Systems
  • Fuzzy Logic Systems
  • Natural Language Processing

What are components of robotics?

To construct a robot we need following parts−

a. Power Supply
Generally, robots are powered by batteries, solar power, hydraulic.
b. Actuators
Basically, we use this to convert energy into movement.
c. Electric motors (AC/DC)
Generally, we need this for the rotational movement.
d. Pneumatic Air Muscles
Basically, we can say that they contract almost 40% when the air is sucked in them.

e. Muscle Wires
Although, we have noticed that it contract by 5% when an electric current is passed through them.
f. Piezo Motors and Ultrasonic Motors
Basically, we use it for industrial robots.

g. Sensors
Generally, we use it in task environment as it provides information of real-time knowledge.

What are disadvantages Uniform Cost Search Algorithm?

There can be multiple long paths with the cost ≤ C*.

Uniform Cost search must explore them all.

Explain the minimax algorithm along with the different terms.

Minimax algorithm is a backtracking algorithm used for decision making in game theory. This algorithm provides the optimal moves for a player by assuming that another player is also playing optimally.

This algorithm is based on two players, one is called MAX, and the other is called the MIN.

Following terminologies that are used in the Minimax Algorithm:

  • Game tree: A tree structure with all possible moves.
  • Initial State: The initial state of the board.
  • Terminal State: Position of the board where the game finishes.
  • Utility Function: The function that assigns a numeric value for the outcome of the game.

What are advantages of Fuzzy Logic Systems?

  • Generally, in this system, we can take imprecise, distorted, noisy input information.
  • Also, these logics are easy to construct and understand.
  • Basically, it’s solution to complex problems. Such as medicine.
  • Also, we can relate math in concept within fuzzy logic. Also, these concepts are very simple.
  • Due to the flexibility of fuzzy logic, we can add and delete rules in FLS system.

What is the relationship between AI and game theory?

Game Theory is a specialized branch of mathematics that deals with opposing players trying to achieve a particular set of goals. It’s about choosing from a group of rational choices when you have multiple agents. Experts use this algorithm in AI when they have various agents in a problem.

What are steps to ensure the business stays relevant to the AI revolution?

a. A finger on the pulse Maybe the time is going on it’s not right for your business to harness the value of AI. Although, doesn’t mean you should stop keeping up like others are using AI. Only reading IT journal trade is a good place to start. Rather start focusing on how businesses are leveraging AI.

b. Piggyback on the innovators To implement AI, there are so many resources present from an industry that will help you. For example Google has developed a machine learning system, TensorFlow. That has released as open source software.

c. Brainstorm potential uses with your team If you want, a team must be engaged in encouraging in the areas of business, AI could be deployed. Data-heavy, inefficient are processes that are likely benefit. Moreover, find where these exist.

d. Start small and focus on creating real value It’s not mandatory to move forward for the sake only. Rather, it’s necessary to focus on objectives and start finding the best solution for it. Moreover, mean finding the specific process to run AI pilot. Also, see how it goes, learn and build from there.

e. Prepare the ground Before, to maximize the value of AI, its good to ensure your current process. I.e working in a best possible way.