Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions – Set 23

What is the use of computer vision in AI?

Computer vision is a field of Artificial Intelligence that is used to train the computers so that they can interpret and obtain information from the visual world such as images. Hence, computer vision uses AI technology to solve complex problems such as image processing, object detections, etc.

How aware you think you are in terms of using AI enabled devices and services?

Like I said that AI is everywhere and currently has a deep impact on our surroundings, we can see AI touch in the below listed things

  • Smartphones
  • Smart Cars and Drones
  • Social Media Feeds
  • Media players
  • Video games and many more areas.

What are applications of Fuzzy Logic?

There are some areas of fuzzy logic applications. These are-
a. Automotive Systems

  • Automatic Gearboxes
  • Four-Wheel Steering
  • Vehicle environment control
    b. Consumer Electronic Goods
  • Hi-Fi Systems
  • Photocopiers
  • Still and Video Cameras
  • Television
    c. Domestic Goods
  • Microwave Ovens
  • Refrigerators
  • Toasters
  • Vacuum Cleaners
  • Washing Machines
    d. Environment Control
  • Air Conditioners/Dryers/Heaters
  • Humidifiers

What do you know about FOPL?

It’s one of the critical AI interview questions, so be sure to prepare it. FOPL stands for First-Order Predicate Logic. It’s a collection of formal systems, and each statement has a subject and a predicate. A predicate can have only one subject, and it has the ability to modify the subject.

What is the intelligent agent in AI, and where are they used?

The intelligent agent can be any autonomous entity that perceives its environment through the sensors and act on it using the actuators for achieving its goal.

These Intelligent agents in AI are used in the following applications:

  • Information Access and Navigations such as Search Engine
  • Repetitive Activities
  • Domain Experts
  • Chatbots, etc.

What are difficulties in NLU?

a. Lexical ambiguity
It’s predefined at a very primitive level such as word-level.

b. Syntax Level ambiguity
Basically, in this, we can define a sentence in a parsed way in different ways.

c. Referential ambiguity
Generally, referential ambiguity says that we have to refer something using pronouns only.

What is AI according to the survey results?

Machines are predicted to be better than humans in translating languages;

Working in the retail sector, and can completely outperform humans by 2060.

As a result, MI researchers believed that AI will become better than humans in the next 40-year time frame.

To build AI smarter, companies have already acquired around 34 AI startups. These companies are reinforcing their leads in the world of Artificial Intelligence.

In every sphere of life, AI is present. We use AI to organize big data into different patterns and structures. Also, patterns help in a neural network, machine learning, and data analytics.

From 80’s to now, Artificial intelligence is now part of our everyday lives, it’s very hard to believe. Moreover, it is becoming more intelligent and accepted every day. Also, with lots of opportunities for business.

What do you understand about Artificial Intelligence?

In Artificial Intelligence, you study the cognitive functions of the human brain and try to replicate them on a system (or machine). It’s a branch of computer science and has applications in many industries and areas. You can also say that Artificial Intelligence focuses on creating intelligent machines that perform functions like humans.

Kindly explain different ways to evaluate the performance of the ML model.

Some popular ways to evaluate the performance of the ML model are:

Confusion Matrix: It is N*N table with different sets of value that is used to determine the performance of the classification model in machine learning.
F1 score: It is the harmonic mean of precision and recall, which is used as one of the best metrics to evaluate the ML model.
Gain and lift charts: Gain & Lift charts are used to determine the rank ordering of the probabilities.
AUC-ROC curve: The AUC-ROC is another performance metric. The ROC is the plot between the sensitivity.
Gini Coefficient: It is used in the classification problems, also known as the Gini Index. It determines the inequality between the values of variables. The high value of the Gini represents a good model.
Root mean squared error: It is one of the most popular metrics used for the evaluation of the regression model. It works by assuming that errors are unbiased and have a normal distribution.
Cross-Validation: It is another popular technique for evaluating the performance of the machine learning model. In this, the models are trained on subsets of the input data and evaluated on the complementary subset of the data.

What contributes to Artificial Intelligence?

Basically, artificial intelligence relates to following disciplines such as –

  • Computer Science
  • Biology
  • Psychology
  • Linguistics
  • Mathematics and
  • Engineering