WordPress Interview Questions – Set 02

What is the difference between custom themes and normal themes?

Custom themes are very straightforward to format. You don’t need much technical knowledge to change in the coding part. The custom theme allows for SEO search, but with an SEO plugin available it would not make much difference to a normal theme.

What is GNU?

The GNU General Public License is called GPL in short. It has some terms and conditions to copy, modify and distribute the software licensed under its name.

GNU makes sure that any software source-code licensed under it has to make originating source code open and freely available to all its users. Here, freely doesn’t mean by cost but it says that it is freely available to users to distribute and modify the code, but they can’t impose any restrictions on further distribution, the source code has to be made available.

How to update a WordPress site?

You should always update your site to the latest version of WordPress. Whenever there is a new WordPress version, you receive an update message on your admin screen.

There are two methods to update a WordPress site:

  • One-click update
  • Manually update

What is by default prefix of WordPress tables?

The wp_ is by default prefix of WordPress tables.

How to convert a category into the tag?

WordPress provides you an option to change category into tag and tag into a category. For this, you need to install Categories and Tags Converter from Import option under Tools section.

What are custom fields in WordPress?

Custom fields are also called post meta. It is a feature through which users can add arbitrary information when writing a post. These metadata can be displayed using template tags in WordPress themes.

Is there any limitation for WordPress website?

WordPress can be used for e-commerce sites, membership sites, photo galleries and any other type of site you can think. Following are some disadvantages of WordPress:

  • Using several plugins can make the website heavy to load and run.
  • PHP knowledge is required to make modifications or changes in the WordPress website.
  • Sometimes software needs to be updated to keep the WordPress up-to-date with the current browsers and mobile devices. Updating WordPress version leads to loss of data, so a backup copy of the website is required.
  • Modifying and formatting the graphic images and tables is difficult.

Is it possible to SEO a WordPress site to show it on Google first page?

WordPress has an inbuilt SEO search engine benefit. You can also have an additional plug-in in WordPress to help with SEO and rank on a favorite search engine like Google.

How to take the backup of a WordPress site?

A backup is just the copy of your original site through which you can restore your original site if anything goes wrong. Keeping a backup on the safe side is always advisable.

A site is generally made up of two parts. One is all the installed themes/plugins, media and other is Database which stores all your blogs, posts, and comments. Without files, there is no site, and without the database, there is no data. Hence both of them is important and need a backup.

Explain pages in WordPress.

Pages are different from posts. They are static, and they do not change often. You can add pages containing information about you and your site.