Vue.js Interview Questions – Set 02

What is Vue.js?/ What do you understand by Vue.js?

Vue.js is a progressive framework of JavaScript used to create Dynamic User Interfaces and single-page applications.

What is Vue Router? What do you understand by Vue Router?

The official router of Vue.js is called Vue Router. It is by default integrated with Vue.js core and used to build Single Page Applications with Vue.js.

Following is the list of important features of Vue Router:

  • Vue Router follows a modular, component-based router configuration.
  • Very easy to implement.
  • You can customize the Scroll Behavior.
  • Provides Nested route/view mapping.
  • Provides fine-grained navigation control.
  • Route params, query, wildcards
  • js’ transition system provides View transition effects.
  • Links with automatic active CSS classes.
  • HTML5 history mode or hash mode, with auto-fallback in IE9.

Why is Vue.js called a progressive framework?

Vue.js called a progressive framework because it is being changed and developed continually.

What are the most commonly used Directives in Vue.js?

Following is the list of most commonly used directives in Vue.js:

  • v-show
  • v-if
  • v-model
  • v-else
  • v-on

What are the advantages of using Vue.js?

Following is the list of advantages of using Vue.js:

Very Small In Size

One of Vue.js’ biggest advantages is that it is very small in size. This exciting JavaScript plug-in is only 18-21KB, so you can download and use it very easily in no time.

Easy to Understand and Use

The framework of Vue.js is very easy to understand, and it id one of the reasons for the popularity of this framework. The users can easily add Vue.js to their web project because of its simple structure and develop applications.

Simple Integration with Existing Applications

Vue.js framework can be integrated with the existing applications very easily. Vue.js has a lot of components for everything. You can integrate it with any application that is written in JavaScript.

Flexible in nature

The flexible nature of Vue.js also makes it easy to understand for the developers of React.js, Angular.js, and any other new JavaScript framework. It provides a lot of flexibility to use virtual nodes to write HTML files, JavaScript files, and pure JavaScript files.


You can create reusable custom elements in Vue.js applications.

Easy & comprehensive documentation

The documentation of Vue.js is very easy and comprehensive so that developers can develop applications or web pages, only having little knowledge about HTML.

Virtual DOM

Vue.js uses virtual DOM similar to other existing frameworks such as ReactJS, Ember, etc. Virtual DOM is a light-weight in-memory tree representation of the original HTML DOM and updated without affecting the original DOM.

Two-Way Communication

Vue.js provides two-way communications with its MVVM architecture that makes it very easy to handle HTML blocks.

What is $parent property in Vue.js?

In Vue.js, the $parent property is used to access the parent instance from a child. It is similar to the $root property. The $parent property provides direct access, but it makes the application hard to test and debug. In this property, it is very difficult to find out where the mutation comes from.

What is Vuex?

VueX is a state management pattern and library for the Vue.js application. It is used as a centralized store for all the different components in the Vue.js application. Vuex provides some rules to ensure that the state can only be mutated in a predictable fashion. You can get a lot of additional features by integrating Vuex with the official devtool extension of Vue.js.

What is the difference between slots and scoped slots in Vue.js?

In Vue.js, a slot is a placeholder in a child component filled with content passed from the parent component.

In the slot, the component is compiled in the parent’s scope and then passed to the child component. So, it is not possible to use child component properties in a slot’s content.

In Scoped slot, you can pass child component data to the parent scope and then use it in slot content.

Why is Vue.js supposed to be a competitor of Angular in upcoming days?

Vue.js is also used to build User Interfaces and single-page applications like Angular. Nowadays, it is evolving very fast, and with time, new libraries and extensions are coming into existence.

Many developers’ community is using Vue.js, and the popularity of this JavaScript language is increasing day by day. That’s why it is supposed to be a potential competitor of Angular.

What is the key in Vue.js?

To render DOM elements more efficiently, Vue.js reuses the elements instead of creating a new element every time. The key is a kind of flag that tells Vue “if the data associated with this child component is moved somewhere else, then move the component along with it to preserve the changes that already exist.”