AWS Interview Questions – Set 05

How can you secure the access to your S3 bucket? S3 bucket can be secured in two ways: ACL (Access Control List) ACL is used to manage the access of resources to buckets and objects. An object of each bucket is associated with ACL. It defines which AWS accounts have granted access and the type … Read more

AWS Interview Questions – Set 04

What is the use of Amazon Transfer Acceleration Service? An Amazon Transfer Acceleration Service is a service that enables fast and secure transfer of data between your client and S3 bucket. What is an EIP? EIP (Elastic IP address) is a service provided by an EC2 instance. It is basically a static IP address attached … Read more

AWS Interview Questions – Set 03

What is VPC peering connection? A VPC peering connection is a networking connection that allows you to connect one VPC with another VPC through a direct network route using private IP addresses. By using VPC peering connection, instances in different VPC can communicate with each other as if they were in the same network. You … Read more

AWS Interview Questions – Set 02

What is CloudFront? CloudFront is a computer delivery network which consists of distributed servers that delivers web pages and web content to a user based on the geographic locations of a user. What is VPC? VPC stands for Virtual Private Cloud. It is an isolated area of the AWS cloud where you can launch AWS … Read more

AWS Interview Questions – Set 01

What are policies and what are the different types of policies? Policy is an object which is associated with a resource that defines the permissions. AWS evaluate these policies when user makes a request. Permissions in the policy determine whether to allow or to deny an action. Policies are stored in the form of a … Read more

AWS Interview Questions

AWS Interview Questions – Set 05 AWS Interview Questions – Set 04 AWS Interview Questions – Set 03 AWS Interview Questions – Set 02 AWS Interview Questions – Set 01