Software Testing Interview Questions – Set 03

What do you mean by automated testing?

Testing by using software tools which execute test without manual intervention is known as automated testing. Automated testing can be used in GUI, performance, API, etc.

How many test cases we can write in a day?

We can tell anywhere between 2-5 test cases.

  • First test case → 1st day, 2nd day.
  • Second test case → 3rd day, 4th day.
  • Forth test case → 5th day.
  • 9-10 test cases → 19th day.
    Primarily, we use to write 2-5 test cases, but in future stages we write around 6-7 because, at that time, we have the better product knowledge, we start re-using the test cases, and the experience on the product.

What are the advantages of designing tests early in the life cycle?

It helps you to prevent defects in the code.

What is the difference between preventative and reactive approaches to testing?

Preventative tests are designed earlier, and reactive tests are designed after the software has been produced.

What is the boundary value analysis/testing?

In boundary value analysis/testing, we only test the exact boundaries rather than hitting in the middle. For example: If there is a bank application where you can withdraw a maximum of 25000 and a minimum of 100. So in boundary value testing we only test above the max and below the max. This covers all scenarios.

The following figure shows the boundary value testing for the above-discussed bank application.TC1 and TC2 are sufficient to test all conditions for the bank. TC3 and TC4 are duplicate/redundant test cases which do not add any value to the testing. So by applying proper boundary value fundamentals, we can avoid duplicate test cases, which do not add value to the testing.

What is Bottom-up testing?

The Bottom-up testing is a testing approach which follows integration testing where the lowest level components are tested first, after that the higher level components are tested. The process is repeated until the testing of the top-level component.

How many test cases can we review per day?

It would be around 7 test cases we write so that we can review 7*3=21 test cases. And we can say that 25-30 test case per day.

Tell me about the risk-based testing.

The risk-based testing is a testing strategy that is based on prioritizing tests by risks. It is based on a detailed risk analysis approach which categorizes the risks by their priority. Highest priority risks are resolved first.

What is the purpose of exit criteria?

The exit criteria are used to define the completion of the test level.

How would you test the login feature of a web application?

There are many ways to test the login feature of a web application:

  • Sign in with valid login, Close browser and reopen and see whether you are still logged in or not.
  • Sign in, then log out and then go back to the login page to see if you are truly logged out.
  • Log in, then go back to the same page, do you see the login screen again?
  • Session management is important. You must focus on how do we keep track of logged in users, is it via cookies or web sessions?
  • Sign in from one browser, open another browser to see if you need to sign in again?
  • Log in, change the password, and then log out, then see if you can log in again with the old password.