SEO Interview Questions – Set 02

What is ccTLD?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is a process of increasing the number of visitors to a website. It enhances the visibility of a web page and increases the quantity and quality of traffic to a website so that it could appear at the top of search engine result pages.

It optimizes the websites for search engines and thus helps it achieve higher ranking in search engine result pages when users use keywords related to their products or services. Therefore, it improves the quality as well as the quantity of traffic to a website through organic search engine results.

How do you know which pages are indexed by Google?

We can check which pages of a website are indexed by Google in two different ways:

  1. The first method is to check the Google index status of the website through Google Webmaster tools. For this, you are required to add the website on the dashboard and verify the ownership then click on the tab “Index status”. The webmaster tool will display the number of pages indexed by the Google.
  2. The second method involves a manual search on Google. In this method, you are required to type on Google search bar The indexed pages would reflect on the SERP.

Is HTML case-sensitive or case-insensitive?

HTML is a case-insensitive language because uppercase or lowercase does not matter in this language and you can write your code in any case. However, HTML coding is generally written in lower case.

What is a web server?

It is a computer program that is designed to serve or deliver the web pages to users in response to their queries or requests made by their computers or HTTP clients. In other words, it hosts websites on the internet. It uses HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to serve pages to computers that are connected to it.

What is Google Sandbox?

Google Sandbox is an imaginary area which contains new and less authoritative sites for a specified period until they cannot be displayed in the search results. It is an alleged filter for the new websites. In simple words, we can say that it places new websites on probation and ranks them lower than expected in searches. It may be caused by building too many links within a short period of time.

Any type of website can be placed in a sandbox. However, the new websites who want to rank for highly competitive keyword phrases are more prone to the sandbox. There is no fixed duration for a site to stay in the sandbox. Generally, a website can stay in the Sandbox for one to six months. The logic behind the sandbox is that new websites may be not as relevant as older sites.

What is CTR?

CTR stands for Click through Rate. It is calculated by dividing the number of times a link appears on a search engine result page (impression) by the number of times it is clicked by users. For example, if you have 10 clicks and 100 impressions, your CTR would be 10%.
The higher the clicks, the higher will be the CTR. A high click-through rate is essential for a successful PPC, i.e., the success of a PPC depends on the CTR. Thus, it is an important metric in PPC ads which helps you gauge the results and tells how effective your campaigns are.

What is keyword density?

Keyword density refers to the percentage of occurrence of a keyword in a webpage out of all the words on that page. For example, if a keyword appears four times in an article of 100 words, the keyword density would be 4%. It is also known as keyword frequency as it talks about the frequency of occurrence of a keyword in a page. There is no ideal or exact keyword density for better ranking. However, the keyword density of 2 to 4 % is considered suitable for SEO.

What is LSI?

LSI stands for Latent Semantic Indexing. It is a part of the Google’s algorithm which enables the search engine to understand the content of a page and the intent of the search queries. It identifies related words in content to better classify web pages and thus to deliver more relevant and accurate search results. It can understand synonyms and the relationship between words and thus can interpret web pages more deeply to provide relevant information to users. For example, if someone searches with a keyword “CAR,” it will show related things such as car models, car auctions, car race, car companies and more.

What is Web Hosting?

A service that provides space for websites or web pages on special computers called servers. A web hosting enables sites or web pages to be viewed on the internet by the internet users. When users type the website address (domain name) into their browser, their computers connect to the server, and your web pages are delivered to them through a browser.The websites are stored and hosted on special computers called servers. So, if you want users to see your website, you are required to publish it with a web hosting service. It is generally measured in terms of disc space you are allotted on the server and the bandwidth you require for accessing the server. While choosing a web hosting services one should evaluate the reliability and customer service of the service provider.

Who invented the Google?

It is co-founded in 1998 by Larry Page, an American computer scientist and internet entrepreneur, and Sergey Brin who is also an American computer scientist and internet entrepreneur.