Android Interview Questions – Set 04

What is NDK? NDK stands for Native Development Kit. By using NDK, you can develop a part of an app using native language such as C/C++ to boost the performance. List the various storages that are provided by Android. The various storage provided by android are: Shared Preferences Internal Storage External Storage SQLite Databases Network … Read more

Python Interview Questions – Set 04

How to overload constructors or methods in Python? Python’s constructor: _init__ () is the first method of a class. Whenever we try to instantiate an object __init__() is automatically invoked by python to initialize members of an object. We can’t overload constructors or methods in Python. It shows an error if we try to overload. … Read more

C Interview Questions – Set 04

What is C language? C is a mid-level and procedural programming language. The Procedural programming language is also known as the structured programming language is a technique in which large programs are broken down into smaller modules, and each module uses structured code. This technique minimizes error and misinterpretation. More details. What is an infinite … Read more

Scrum Interview Questions – Set 04

What indicators might there be that demonstrate agile practices are working for your organization, and which of these would demonstrate your efforts are succeeding? There is no standard or general definition of ‘agile success’ that can be used to measure an organization’s agility. Every organization must develop its own criteria. Increasing team velocity is usually … Read more

PHP Interview Questions – Set 04

What is htaccess in PHP? The .htaccess is a configuration file on Apache server. You can change configuration settings using directives in Apache configuration files like .htaccess and httpd.conf. How to delete file in PHP? The unlink() function is used to delete a file in PHP. bool unlink (string $filename) Explain setcookie() function in PHP? … Read more

Laravel Interview Questions – Set 04

What is the use of the Eloquent cursor() method in Laravel? The cursor method allows us to iterate through our database using a cursor, which will only execute a single query. While processing large amounts of data, the cursor method may be used to reduce your memory usage greatly. Example foreach (Product::where(‘name’, ‘bar’)->cursor() as $flight) … Read more

Data Structure Interview Questions – Set 04

What is a Stack? Stack is an ordered list in which, insertion and deletion can be performed only at one end that is called the top. It is a recursive data structure having pointer to its top element. The stack is sometimes called as Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) list i.e. the element which is inserted first in … Read more

Magento Interview Questions – Set 04

Describe various versions of Magento. Following are the different versions of Magento: Magento Enterprise Edition Magento Community Edition Magento Professional Edition Magento .go Edition State the syntax to call a CMS page in your module’s PHTML file. $this->getLayout()->createBlock(‘cms/block’)->setBlockId(‘blockidentifier’)->toHtml(); Can all billing information be managed through Magento? You can do the following things through client Magento … Read more

HR Interview Questions – Set 04

You have not done your PG yet. This is not a drawback, but don’t you think you should get a PG degree asap? Other variations of this question are as follows: Do you want to complete your Masters/Post Graduation in near future? Do you aspire to pursue higher studies? Don’t fall into the interviewer’s trap. … Read more

R Interview Questions – Set 04

How can we find the mean of one column with respect to another? In iris dataset, there are five columns, i.e., Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length, Petal.Width and Species. We will calculate the mean of Sepal-Length across different species of iris flower using the mean() function from the mosaic package. mean(iris$Sepal.Length~iris$Species) Explain Chi-Square Test The Chi-Square Test … Read more