PHP Interview Questions – Set 06

What is the array in PHP? An array is used to store multiple values in a single value. In PHP, it orders maps of pairs of keys and values. It saves the collection of the data type. How to download file in PHP? The readfile() function is used to download the file in PHP. int … Read more

HR Interview Questions – Set 06

Why do you want to leave your current job? This a very common HR interview question which is asked to assess whether the candidate will stick around and align him/herself with the company’s mission statement. The question can be answered in the following manner. Possible answer: ” I have been working with a great team … Read more

Data Structure Interview Questions – Set 06

Write the C program to insert a node in circular singly list at the beginning. #include #include void beg_insert(int); struct node { int data; struct node *next; }; struct node *head; void main () { int choice,item; do { printf(“nEnter the item which you want to insert?n”); scanf(“%d”,&item); beg_insert(item); printf(“nPress 0 to insert more ?n”); … Read more

Dot Net Interview Questions – Set 06

Explain the difference between the Stack and the Heap. in the Stack are stored value types (types inherited from System.ValueType), and in the Heap are stored reference types (types inherited from System.Object). We can say the Stack is responsible for keeping track of what is actually executing and where each executing thread is (each thread … Read more

WordPress Interview Questions – Set 06

What are the plugins you can use to create a contact form in WordPress? You can use a plug-in like Gravity forms or a free plugin contact form 7 to create a contact form in WordPress. How can you handle the situation if your WordPress site is hacked? You should follow these steps: Install security … Read more

SEO Interview Questions – Set 06

What is the “500 internal server error”? The “500 internal server error” is a common error. It is an HTTP status code that indicates something is wrong with the websites’ server, and the server is not able to identify the problem. This error is not specific as it can occur for different reasons. It is … Read more

Interface Java Interview Questions – Set 06

When can an object reference be cast to an interface reference An object reference be cast to an interface reference when the object implements the referenced interface. What is a cloneable interface and how many methods does it contain ?– It is not having any method because it is a TAGGED or MARKER interface. What … Read more

MySQL Interview Questions – Set 06

What is REGEXP? REGEXP is a pattern match using a regular expression. The regular expression is a powerful way of specifying a pattern for a sophisticated search. Basically, it is a special text string for describing a search pattern. To understand it better, you can think of a situation of daily life when you search … Read more

Machine Learning Interview Questions – Set 06

You have to train a 12GB dataset using a neural network with a machine which has only 3GB RAM. How would you go about it? We can use NumPy arrays to solve this issue. Load all the data into an array. In NumPy, arrays have a property to map the complete dataset without loading it … Read more

Multi Threading Java Interview Questions – Set 06

What can prevent the execution of the code in finally block ? and what are the rules for catching multiple exceptions? The death of thread – Use of system.exit() – Turning off the power to CPU – An exception arising in the finally block itself Rules for catching multiple exceptions – A more specific catch … Read more