Microsoft Azure Interview Questions – Set 01

Can we create a VM using Azure Resource Manager in a Virtual Network that was created using classic deployment?

It is not supported by the Azure portal. We cannot use Azure Resource Manager to deploy a Virtual machine into a virtual network which was created using classic deployment.

What is Availability Set in Azure?

Availability Set is a grouping of Azure Virtual Machines. The availability set allows the Azure cloud to build and understand how the application for a user is constructed to provide availability and redundancy.

What is Azure Cloud Service?

The Azure Cloud service offers multiple web applications in Azure; it categorizes the services and allows us the flexible scaling for our use. The Azure cloud service was launched in the year 2010. It is a dynamic cloud platform that offers development, data storage, service hosting, and service management.

Can we add an existing VM to an availability set?

No, if we want our VM to be part of an availability set, then we need to create the VM within the set.

What do you understand by autoscaling in Azure?

Azure provides the scaling of the services automatically when needed. It depends upon the use, time, and traffic that comes to our application. For example – The traffic will be higher during the examination on any exam-related application or website. Then Azure will automatically modify the setting and provide the resources as required.

What are the options available in Azure for data storage?

Options for storing data includes:

  • Azure files
  • OS drive
  • Scale set
  • Temp drive
  • Azure data service
  • External data service

What steps should we take in case of drive failure?

In case of a drive failure, we should follow these steps:

  • Unmount the drive, which allows the Azure storage object to function without fault.
  • In the case of replacement, we will format and remount the drive.

Which service in Azure can be used to manage resources?

Azure Resource Manager is used to manage resources in Microsoft Azure. It is used to deploy, manage, and delete all the resources together using a simple JSON script.

How much storage can we use with a virtual machine?

In Azure, each data disk can be up to 1 TB. The number of disks we can use depends upon the size of the virtual machine. Azure Managed Disks are the recommended disk storage offering to use with Azure Virtual Machines for persistent storage of data. We can use multiple Managed Disks with each Virtual Machine.

What is the storage key?

A storage key is an authentication method that can be used to validate access for the storage service account to control data based on our prerequisites. We have an alternative to give a primary access key and a secondary access key. The main reason for using a secondary access key is to avoid downtime to the application or website.