Flutter Interview Questions – Set 01

Name some popular apps that use Flutter?

Today, many organizations use Flutter for building the app. Some of the most popular app built on Flutter are as follows:

  • Google Ads
  • Reflectly
  • Alibaba
  • Birch Finance
  • Coach Yourself
  • Tencent
  • Watermaniac

What are Flutter widgets?

A Flutter app is always considered as a tree of widgets. Whenever you are going to code for building anything in Flutter, it will be inside a widget. Widgets describe how your app view should look like with their current configuration and state. When you made any alteration in the code, the widget rebuilds its description by calculating the difference of previous and current widget to determine the minimal changes for rendering in UI of the app.

Widgets are nested with each other to build the app. It means the root of your app is itself a widget, and all the way down is a widget also. For example, a widget can display something, can define design, can handle interaction, etc.

Which one is better between Flutter and React Native?

Flutter and React Native are both used to develop the native hybrid app from a single codebase. These apps can run on iOS and Android platforms.

React Native develop by Facebook, whereas Flutter framework first introduced by Google. So, both framework has a very good feature and community.

Flutter uses Dart language to create applications, whereas React Native uses JavaScript to build the applications.

From the developer’s point of view, it is very difficult to choose amongst them. Thus, it is very challenging to choose a winner between Flutter and React Native.

Why does the first Flutter app build take so long?

When you build the Flutter app the first time, it will take a longer time. It is because the Flutter built the device-specific APK or IPA file. Thus, the Gradle and Xcode are used to build the file, taking a long time.

What do you understand by the Stateful and Stateless widgets?

A Stateful widget has state information. It is referred to as dynamic because it can change the inner data during the widget lifetime. A widget that allows us to refresh the screen is called a Stateful widget. This widget does not have a build() method. It has createState() method, which returns a class that extends the Flutters State Class. The examples of the Stateful widget are Checkbox, Radio, Slider, InkWell, Form, and TextField.

The Stateless widget does not have any state information. It remains static throughout its lifecycle. The examples of the Stateless widget are Text, Row, Column, Container, etc. If the screen or widget contains static content, it should be a Stateless widget, but if you want to change the content, it needs to be a Stateful widget.

What is the latest release of Flutter SDK?

The latest release of the Flutter framework is Flutter-v1.12.13 on 27 Jan 2020.

Why does the first Flutter app build take so long?

When you build the Flutter app the first time, it will take a longer time. It is because the Flutter built the device-specific APK or IPA file. Thus, the Gradle and Xcode are used to build the file, taking a long time.

What is Flutter?

lutter is a UI toolkit for creating fast, beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile with one programing language and single codebase. It is an open-source development framework developed by Google. Generally, Flutter is not a language; it is an SDK. Flutter apps use Dart programming language for creating an app. The first alpha version of Flutter was released in May 2017.

Flutter is mainly optimized for 2D mobile apps that can run on both Android and iOS platforms. We can also use it to build full-featured apps, including camera, storage, geolocation, network, third-party SDKs, and more.

What are the best editors for Flutter development?

The Flutter development tools allow to make Flutter development faster and thus boosting the developer’s workflow. Flutter IDE and tools need some plugins to develop mobile applications. The plugins help us to dart compiling, code analysis, and Flutter development. The popular IDE for Flutter developments are as follows:

Android Studio
Visual Studio
IntelliJ IDEA

Name the popular database package used in the Flutter?

The most used and popular database packages used in the Flutter are as follows:

sqflite database: It allows to access and manipulate SQLite database.
Firebase database: It will enable you to access and manipulate the cloud database.