Dot Net Interview Questions – Set 09

What is MIME?

MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension. It is an add-on or a supplementary protocol which allows non-ASCII data to be sent through SMTP. It facilitates the exchange of data files on the internet and was proposed by Bell Communications in 1991.

Which adapter should be used to get the data from an Access database?

OleDbDataAdapter is used to get the data from an Access database.

What is a PE file?

PE stands for Portable Executable. It is a derivative of the Microsoft Common Object File Format (COFF). Windows executable, .EXE or DLL files follow the PE file format. It consists of four parts:

1. PE/COFF headers- Contains information regarding .EXE or DLL file.

2. CLR header- Contains information about CLR & memory management.

3. CLR data- Contains metadata of DDLs and MSIL code generated by compilers.

4. Native image section- Contains sections like .data, .rdata, .rsrc, .text etc.

What do you know about JIT?

JIT is a compiler which stands for Just In Time. It is used to convert the intermediate code into the native language. During the execution, the intermediate code is converted into the native language.

List all the templates of the Repeater control.

  • ItemTemplate
  • AlternatingItemTemplate
  • SeparatorTemplate
  • HeaderTemplate
  • FooterTemplate

What is the extension method for a class?

The extension method is used to add new methods in the existing class or the structure without modifying the source code of the original type. Special permission from the original type or re-compiling it isn’t required.

What is CTS?

CTS stands for Common Type System. It has a set of rules which state how a data type should be declared, defined and used in the program. It describes the data types that are to be used in the application.

We can design our own classes and values by following the rules that are present in the CTS. The rules are made so that the data type declared using a programming language can be called by an application that is developed using a different language.

What are the different types of indexes in .Net?

There are two types of indexes in .Net:

Clustered index and non-clustered index

What is caching?

Caching simply means storing the data temporarily in the memory so that the data can be accessed from the memory instead of searching for it in the original location. It increases the efficiency of the application and also increases its speed.

Following are the types of caching:

  • Page caching
  • Data caching
  • Fragment caching

What is BCL?

BCL stands for Base Class Library. It comprises classes, interface, and value types. It is the foundation for building .NET Framework applications, components, and controls.