DevOps Interview Questions – Set 03

How DevOps is helpful to developers?

DevOps is very helpful for developers to fix the bugs and quickly implement the new features. It also helps in more transparent communication between the team members.

Explain pair programming regarding DevOps?

Pair programming is an engineering practice of Extreme Programming Rules. In this case, two programmers work on the same system on the same design or algorithm.

One programmer act as a Driver and other as an Observer who continuously monitors the progress of a project to identify problems. The roles can be reversed at any point of time without any prior intimation.

What are the technical and business benefits of DevOps work culture?

Following are the technical and business benefits of DevOps work culture:

Technical benefits

  • Less complex problems to fix.
  • Continuous software delivery.
  • Faster bugs resolution.

Business benefits

  • Most stable operating environments.
  • More time available to add product value.
  • Faster delivery of features for customer satisfaction.

What is the Build in DevOps?

The build is a method in which the source code is put together to check whether it works as a single unit. In the build creation process, the source code will undergo compilation, testing, inspection, and deployment.

What is the need for organization playbooks as the role?

Organization playbooks as the role give more reliability and reusability to any plays while considering a task where MySQL installation should be done after the removal of Oracle DB. You need another requirement to install MySQL after java installation. In both cases, you need to install MySQL, but without roles, it needs to write playbooks separately for both use cases. Still, once using roles, the MySQL installation role is created can be utilized any number of times by invoking using logic in site.yaml.

Explain some popular tools of DevOps?

Here are some popular tools of DevOps, such as:

  1. Jenkins: Jenkins is a DevOps tool for monitoring the execution of repeated tasks. Jenkins is a software that allows continuous integration. And it will be installed on a server where the central build will take place.
  2. Ansible: Ansible is a leading DevOps tool. Ansible is an open-source IT engine that automates application deployment, cloud provisioning, intra service orchestration, and other IT tools.
  3. Nagios: Nagios is one of the more useful tools for DevOps. It can determine the errors and rectify them with the help of network, infrastructure, server, and log monitoring systems.
  4. Docker: Docker is a high-end DevOps tool that allows building, ship, and run distributed applications on multiple systems.
  5. Git: Git is an open-source distributed version control system that is freely available for everyone. It is designed to handle minor to major projects with speed and efficiency.

What is CBD?

Component-Based Development (CBD) is a unique way to approach product development. In this method, developers always look for existing well defined, tested, and verified components to compose and assemble them to a product instead of developing from scratch.

What is Scrum?

Scrum is used to divide a sophisticated software and product development task into smaller chunks using iterations and increasing practices. Scrum consist of three roles, such as:

  1. Product owner
  2. Scrum master
  3. Team

Explain at what instance has used the SSH?

You can use SSH to log into a remote machine and work on the command line. Also, you can use it to tunnel into the system to facilitate secure encrypted communication between two hosts over an insecure network.

How many cloud platform which is used for DevOps implementation?

Here are some cloud computing platform used for DevOps implementation, such as:

  • Google Cloud
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Microsoft Azure