Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions – Set 20

What are aspects of robotics?

  • Basically, robots have mechanical construction. That is to form or shape designed to accomplish a particular task.
  • Also, it contains electrical components. That is a use of power and control the machinery.
  • Basically, it contains some level of a computer program. Also, it determines what, when and how a robot does something.

What is Bidirectional Search Algorithm?

Basically, starts searches forward from an initial state and backward from goal state. As till both meets to identify a common state. Moreover, initial state path is concatenated with the goal state inverse path. Each search is done only up to half of the total path.

Name some popular programming languages in AI.

Some commonly used programming languages in AI include:

  • Python
  • R
  • Lisp
  • Prolog
  • Java

What is NLP? What are the various components of NLP?

NLP stands for Natural Language Processing, which is a branch of artificial intelligence. It enables machines to understand, interpret, and manipulate the human language.

Components of NLP:

There are mainly two components of Natural Language processing, which are given below:

  • Natural Language Understanding (NLU):
    It involves the below tasks:
    To map the input to useful representations.
    To analyze the different aspects of the language.
  • Natural Language Generation (NLG)
    Text Planning
    Sentence Planning
    Text Realization

What is AI?

AI is a branch of computer science that stresses and finds a way of creating an intelligent machine that has the ability to work, think and reacts like humans.

Why Fuzzy Logic?

Generally, we use it for the practical as well as commercial purposes.

  • Basically, we can use it to consumer products and control machines.
  • Although, not give accurate reasoning, but acceptable reasoning.
  • Also, this logic helps to deal with the uncertainty in engineering.

What is the difference between Classical Artificial Intelligence and Statistical Artificial Intelligence?

Classical AI focuses on deductive thought, such as a group of constraints. On the other hand, Statistical AI focuses on inductive thought like a pattern or trend.

What is Hidden Markov Model (HMMs) is used?

Hidden Markov Models are a ubiquitous tool for modelling time series data or to model sequence behaviour. They are used in almost all current speech recognition systems.

What is Deep Learning, and how is it used in real-world?

Deep learning is a subset of Machine learning that mimics the working of the human brain. It is inspired by the human brain cells, called neurons, and works on the concept of neural networks to solve complex real-world problems. It is also known as the deep neural network or deep neural learning.

Some real-world applications of deep learning are:

  • Adding different colors to the black&white images
  • Computer vision
  • Text generation
  • Deep-Learning Robots, etc.

What is Natural Language Processing?

We use English language to communicate between an intelligent system and N.L.P. Processing of Natural Language plays an important role in various systems.
For Example:

  • A robot, it is used to perform as per your instructions. The input and output of an N.L.P system can be −
  • Written Text