Angular 8 Interview Questions – Set 01

What is the latest released version of Angular?

Angular 10 is the latest released version of Angular, released on June 24, 2020.

What is String Interpolation in Angular 8, and why is it used?

String Interpolation is a one-way data-binding technique in Angular 8. It is used to extract the output data from a TypeScript code to the HTML template view layer. It shows the data from the component to view layer in the form of curly braces. This interpolation technique adds the value of property to the component.

String Interpolation Example:


What is the usage of Wildcard Route in Angular 8?

In Angular 8, the Wildcard Router is used to set a route when the requested URL doesn’t match any router paths. After using the Wildcard Router, the set route matches to every URL as an instruction to get a clear client-generated view. This Wildcard route always comes last as it needs to perform its task at the end only. So, the Wildcard Router is mainly used to define the route of the pages in Angular 8.

What do you mean by Angular Universal?

Angular Universal is a technology that is used to render Angular applications on the server. This process is called SSR (server-side rendering). A simple Angular application is executed on the browser as all the Angular applications are single-page applications, so the rendering always occurs on the browser. This process of rendering single-page applications is called the client-side rendering process (CSR). On the other hand, the Angular Universal is executed on the server, generating static application pages that later get bootstrapped on the client. That’s why Angular Universal application generally renders more quickly, giving users a chance to view the application layout before it becomes fully interactive.

What is the requirement and usage of Angular 8 components?

The Angular 8 components are the list of classes with decorators that mainly mark their own types and provide metadata that guide Angular to do things.

Every Angular application always has at least one component known as a root component that connects a page hierarchy with page DOM. Each component defines a class that contains application data and logic and is associated with an HTML template that defines a view to be displayed in a target environment.

What do you know by Bazel in Angular 8?

Bazel is a new feature of Angular 8. It is a new build system available for a short period and provides a platform to make your back-end and front-end with a similar tool.

Following is the list of main features of Bazel:

  • Bazel is an internal build tool that is used to customize the application.
  • Bazel is used to test the action and performance of multiple machines.
  • Bazel facilitates you to construct a graph through which you can identify the useful information.
  • Bazel also supports customization.

What is the Purpose of Event Binding in Angular 8?

Event binding is a technique in Angular 8 used to handle the events raised from the DOM like button click, mouse move etc. When the DOM event happens (eg. click, change, keyup, keydown), it calls the specified method in the component.

See an example of event binding. In this example, the playMusic() method from the component will be called when you will click the button:

For example:

How do you check what version of Angular CLI you are using?

Use the ng -version command to check your current version of Angular CLI.

What is AOT in Angular 8?

In Angular 8, AOT stands for Ahead-of-Time compiler. It pre-compiles the application components and their templates during the build process.

  • There are several reasons why apps compiled with AOT launch faster:
  • The application components that are compiled with AOT execute immediately, without client-side compilation.Here, templates are embedded as code within their components, so there is no client-side request for template files. That’s why it is fast.
  • The compiler doesn’t entertain the unused Angular directives. It’s also a reason for its fast response.

What is Angular 8?

Angular 8 is a client-side TypeScript based framework used to create dynamic web applications. It is very similar to its previous versions except having some extensive features. It was developed by the same team that develops AngularJS and is a complete rewrite of its first version. Now, this is led and maintained by the Angular Team at Google and also by a community of individuals and corporations.